Maggie started on solid foods around 5 months of age....and was an excellent eater, always willing to try new things, and ate everything I put in front of her........until recently. What she likes one day, she may throw off her tray the next. I can't get her to eat meat consistently (i don't think she likes the texture), and forget anything green (unless they are peas). I feel like a horrible and lazy mom, because I am feeding her the same things over and over again. I try to avoid overdoing the grains...which would be easy to do, because babies seem to like crackers and I'm left with fruit, veggies, and dairy products as my options (since I can't get her to eat meat). Staples in her diet are...
-Organic whole milk, plain yogurt with some sort of berry
-cottage cheese
-sweet potatoes
-apples...............okay, ANY fruit, she loves
-kidney and black beans
-- sometimes she'll eat PBJ
When I write it out as a list, it seems like it's not much. I know she goes through phases where she doesn't want to eat much at all (due to teething), but I can't help but feel like I am slacking as a mother because I don't provide her with more variety, and I don't push veggies and meat more. Don't get me wrong, she's growing and gaining weight beautifully...I just don't want her to not be properly nourished.
What makes me feel even worse about myself as personal chef to Maggie, is that I KNOW what good, nourishing options are for babies (I'm Thrifty Oreganic's sister) yet, I have no energy in the kitchen to soak things, and boil bones, and culture products---believe me, I wish I did! Maybe one day I'll be more inspired....but for now, I avoid spending any more time in the kitchen than is already necessary to feed my family 3 meals a day. I hate that I feel this way....maybe my priorities will change.
What have you other moms experienced when it comes to feeding a toddler?
1 month ago